Quick start
Just run pip install safe-eth-py
or add it to your requirements.txt
If you want django ethereum utils (models, serializers, filters…) you need to run
pip install safe-eth-py[django]
If you have issues building coincurve maybe you are missing some libraries
Ethereum utils
class EthereumClient (ethereum_node_url: str)
: Class to connect and do operations with a ethereum node. Uses web3 and raw rpc calls for things not supported in web3. Onlyhttp/https
urls are suppored for the node url.
has some utils that improve a lot performance using Ethereum nodes, like
the possibility of doing batch_calls
(a single request making read-only calls to multiple contracts):
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.contracts import get_erc721_contract
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
erc721_contract = get_erc721_contract(self.w3, token_address)
name, symbol = ethereum_client.batch_call([
More optimal in case you want to call the same function in multiple contracts
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.contracts import get_erc20_contract
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
erc20_contract = get_erc20_contract(self.w3, token_address)
my_account = '0xD0E03B027A367fED4fd0E7834a82CD8A73E76B45'
name, symbol = ethereum_client.batch_call_same_function(
['0x6810e776880C02933D47DB1b9fc05908e5386b96', '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F']
If you want to use the underlying web3.py library:
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
supports EIP1559 fees:
from gnosis.eth import TxSpeed
base_fee, priority_fee = ethereum_client.estimate_fee_eip1559(tx_speed=TxSpeed.NORMAL)
# If you want to convert a legacy tx to a EIP1559 one
eip1559_tx = ethereum_client.set_eip1559_fees(legacy_tx, tx_speed=TxSpeed.NORMAL)
You can modify timeouts (in seconds) for the RPC endpoints by setting ETHEREUM_RPC_TIMEOUT and ETHEREUM_RPC_SLOW_TIMEOUT as environment variables.
By default every RPC request will be retried 3 times. You can modify that by setting ETHEREUM_RPC_RETRY_COUNT.
NULL_ADDRESS (0x000...0)
: Solidityaddress(0)
: Used for Gnosis Safe’s linked lists (modules, owners…).Maximum an minimum values for R, S and V in ethereum signatures.
Price oracles for Uniswap, UniswapV2, Kyber, SushiSwap, Aave, Balancer, Curve, Mooniswap, Yearn… Example:
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.oracles import UniswapV2Oracle
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle(ethereum_client)
gno_token_mainnet_address = '0x6810e776880C02933D47DB1b9fc05908e5386b96'
weth_token_mainnet_address = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2'
price = uniswap_oracle.get_price(gno_token_mainnet_address, uniswap_oracle.weth_address)
Contains utils for ethereum operations:
get_eth_address_with_key() -> Tuple[str, bytes]
: Returns a tuple of a valid public ethereum checksumed address with the private key.generate_address_2(from_: Union[str, bytes], salt: Union[str, bytes], init_code: [str, bytes]) -> str
: Calculates the address of a new contract created using the new CREATE2 opcode.
Ethereum django (REST) utils
Django utils are available under gnosis.eth.django
You can find a set of helpers for working with Ethereum using Django and Django Rest framework.
It includes:
gnosis.eth.django.filters: EthereumAddressFilter.
gnosis.eth.django.models: Model fields (Ethereum address, Ethereum big integer field).
gnosis.eth.django.serializers: Serializer fields (Ethereum address field, hexadecimal field).
gnosis.eth.django.validators: Ethereum related validators.
gnosis.safe.serializers: Serializers for Gnosis Safe (signature, transaction…).
All the tests are written using Django Test suite.
Gnosis Products
On gnosis.safe
there’re classes to work with Gnosis Safe
from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.safe import Safe
safe_address = '' # Fill with checksummed version of a Safe address
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
safe = Safe(safe_address, ethereum_client)
safe_info = safe.retrieve_all_info()
To work with Multisig Transactions:
safe_tx = safe.build_multisig_tx(to, value, data, operation, safe_tx_gas, base_gas, gas_price, gas_token,
refund_receiver, signatures, safe_nonce)
safe_tx.call() # Check it works
On gnosis.protocol
there’re classes to work with Gnosis Protocol v2
import time
from gnosis.eth import EthereumNetwork
from gnosis.protocol import Order, OrderKind, GnosisProtocolAPI
account_address = '' # Fill with checksummed version of a Gnosis Protocol user address
account_private_key = '' # Fill with private key of a user address
gnosis_protocol_api = GnosisProtocolAPI(EthereumNetwork.RINKEBY)
buy_amount = gnosis_protocol_api.get_estimated_amount(base_token, quote_token, OrderKind.SELL, sell_amount)
valid_to = int(time.time() + (24 * 60 * 60)) # Order valid for 1 day
order = Order(
validTo=valid_to, # timestamp
appData=ipfs_hash, # IPFS hash for metadata
fee_amount=0, # If set to `0` it will be autodetected
kind='sell', # `sell` or `buy`
partiallyFillable=True, # `True` or `False`
sellTokenBalance='erc20', # `erc20`, `external` or `internal`
buyTokenBalance='erc20', # `erc20` or `internal`
gnosis_protocol_api.place_order(order, account_private_key)