Quick start

Just run pip install safe-eth-py or add it to your requirements.txt

If you want django ethereum utils (models, serializers, filters…) you need to run pip install safe-eth-py[django]

If you have issues building coincurve maybe you are missing some libraries

Ethereum utils


  • class EthereumClient (ethereum_node_url: str): Class to connect and do operations with a ethereum node. Uses web3 and raw rpc calls for things not supported in web3. Only http/https urls are suppored for the node url.

EthereumClient has some utils that improve a lot performance using Ethereum nodes, like the possibility of doing batch_calls (a single request making read-only calls to multiple contracts):

from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.contracts import get_erc721_contract
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
erc721_contract = get_erc721_contract(self.w3, token_address)
name, symbol = ethereum_client.batch_call([

More optimal in case you want to call the same function in multiple contracts

from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.contracts import get_erc20_contract
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
erc20_contract = get_erc20_contract(self.w3, token_address)
my_account = '0xD0E03B027A367fED4fd0E7834a82CD8A73E76B45'
name, symbol = ethereum_client.batch_call_same_function(
                    ['0x6810e776880C02933D47DB1b9fc05908e5386b96', '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F']

If you want to use the underlying web3.py library:

from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)

EthereumClient supports EIP1559 fees:

from gnosis.eth import TxSpeed
base_fee, priority_fee = ethereum_client.estimate_fee_eip1559(tx_speed=TxSpeed.NORMAL)
# If you want to convert a legacy tx to a EIP1559 one
eip1559_tx = ethereum_client.set_eip1559_fees(legacy_tx, tx_speed=TxSpeed.NORMAL)

You can modify timeouts (in seconds) for the RPC endpoints by setting ETHEREUM_RPC_TIMEOUT and ETHEREUM_RPC_SLOW_TIMEOUT as environment variables.

By default every RPC request will be retried 3 times. You can modify that by setting ETHEREUM_RPC_RETRY_COUNT.


  • NULL_ADDRESS (0x000...0): Solidity address(0).

  • SENTINEL_ADDRESS (0x000...1): Used for Gnosis Safe’s linked lists (modules, owners…).

  • Maximum an minimum values for R, S and V in ethereum signatures.


Price oracles for Uniswap, UniswapV2, Kyber, SushiSwap, Aave, Balancer, Curve, Mooniswap, Yearn… Example:

from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.eth.oracles import UniswapV2Oracle
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle(ethereum_client)
gno_token_mainnet_address = '0x6810e776880C02933D47DB1b9fc05908e5386b96'
weth_token_mainnet_address = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2'
price = uniswap_oracle.get_price(gno_token_mainnet_address, uniswap_oracle.weth_address)


Contains utils for ethereum operations:

  • get_eth_address_with_key() -> Tuple[str, bytes]: Returns a tuple of a valid public ethereum checksumed address with the private key.

  • generate_address_2(from_: Union[str, bytes], salt: Union[str, bytes], init_code: [str, bytes]) -> str: Calculates the address of a new contract created using the new CREATE2 opcode.

Ethereum django (REST) utils

Django utils are available under gnosis.eth.django. You can find a set of helpers for working with Ethereum using Django and Django Rest framework.

It includes:

  • gnosis.eth.django.filters: EthereumAddressFilter.

  • gnosis.eth.django.models: Model fields (Ethereum address, Ethereum big integer field).

  • gnosis.eth.django.serializers: Serializer fields (Ethereum address field, hexadecimal field).

  • gnosis.eth.django.validators: Ethereum related validators.

  • gnosis.safe.serializers: Serializers for Gnosis Safe (signature, transaction…).

  • All the tests are written using Django Test suite.

Gnosis Products


On gnosis.safe there’re classes to work with Gnosis Safe

from gnosis.eth import EthereumClient
from gnosis.safe import Safe
safe_address = ''  # Fill with checksummed version of a Safe address
ethereum_client = EthereumClient(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL)
safe = Safe(safe_address, ethereum_client)
safe_info = safe.retrieve_all_info()

To work with Multisig Transactions:

safe_tx = safe.build_multisig_tx(to, value, data, operation, safe_tx_gas, base_gas, gas_price, gas_token,
                                 refund_receiver, signatures, safe_nonce)
safe_tx.call()  # Check it works


On gnosis.protocol there’re classes to work with Gnosis Protocol v2

import time
from gnosis.eth import EthereumNetwork
from gnosis.protocol import Order, OrderKind, GnosisProtocolAPI

account_address = ''  # Fill with checksummed version of a Gnosis Protocol user address
account_private_key = ''  # Fill with private key of a user address
gnosis_protocol_api = GnosisProtocolAPI(EthereumNetwork.RINKEBY)
buy_amount = gnosis_protocol_api.get_estimated_amount(base_token, quote_token, OrderKind.SELL, sell_amount)
valid_to = int(time.time() + (24 * 60 * 60))  # Order valid for 1 day
order = Order(
      validTo=valid_to,  # timestamp
      appData=ipfs_hash,  # IPFS hash for metadata
      fee_amount=0,  # If set to `0` it will be autodetected
      kind='sell',  # `sell` or `buy`
      partiallyFillable=True,  # `True` or `False`
      sellTokenBalance='erc20',  # `erc20`, `external` or `internal`
      buyTokenBalance='erc20',  # `erc20` or `internal`
gnosis_protocol_api.place_order(order, account_private_key)